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Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins vs. Cody Rhodes and Goldust (Tag Title Match)
The Rhodes brothers start out holding their own with the Shield. Cody Rhodes yanks Seth of the ropes but, Seth counters and sends a kick straight into the side of head of Cody. A tag is made to Roman Reigns who runs Cody into the corner hard. Rollins is tagged back in and wastes little time in choking Cody Rhodes on the ropes. As the action continues Rollins gets launched over the top rope banging into the side of the announce desk off the floor. Rollins makes the tag to Reins as he scrambles back in the match; Cody makes the tag to partner Goldust. Goldust and Reigns battle it out on the outside. When the action moves back in the ring Cody ends up running into Seth’s elbow. Rollins trying to follow it up with a high risk maneuver from the top gets knocked onto the ropes, then picked up and dropped on his back. The fight ensues again on the outside of the ring as Cody leaps onto both Rollins and Reigns. Rollins fights back and attempts to do a springboard. His attempted is countered and he ends up taking cross-rhodes.
Dean Ambrose suddenly leaps in to interrupt the pin and takes the boots to Cody Rhodes. Cm Punk enters the fray with a chair in hand, swinging it anyone who moves. Vickie Guerrero interrupts the mayhem on the titan-tron and tells everyone the match will now be a six-man tag.

Six Man Tag: The Shield vs. CM Punk, Rhodes brothers
CM Punk and Goldust seek to isolate Seth by working on his leg. They twist and bend the sore knee and ankle in various directions. Cody Rhodes spends time tossing Rollins around outside the ring and into the barricade before bringing him back in. He and Goldust force Rollins to do the splits resulted in a near fall. The isolation continues as Punk is tagged in and places a painful submission onto the ankle and knee of Rollins, Cody Rhodes giving him help on the double submission utilizing the full five count.
Another huge break down occurs in this match with the Wyatt family interrupting followed by the Usos and Rey Mysterio. The match is yet again re-started as a 12 person tag match.

The Shield and the Wyatt Family vs. The Usos, Rey Mysterio, CM Punk.
The shorter re-start was filling with back and forth moves with neither team really gaining a long term advantage until Punk hits the GTS on Rowan for the win.

Published by Ash on November 30th, 2013
Filed in Results and Photos

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