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The Mayhem of Rollins: SmackDown Digitals

SmackDown Goes Rollins?
After the Monday Night Raw that shocked and broke the hearts of thousands, HHH “promised” an answer to the WWE Universe for the choices made by Seth Rollins. But as we all know things are rarely that simple in the WWE and Rollins simply stands proudly as HHH explains the magnitude of his “backstabbing” behavior. When he does get to speak, Rollins angrily yells “The only person that knows why I did what I did, and the only person that needs to know…the only person I owe anything me.”
He then has a quiet conversation with HHH until they are interrupted by Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler cockily acknowledges he may receive a beating after he says what he wants to. He explains that he respected the anti-authority reputation of the Shield and how they went toe to toe with Evolution and won. However he says Rollins completely sold out. An unimpressed Seth whispers to HHH and soon it is announced SmackDown will start off with a match between the show-off and Seth Rollins.

Rollins and Ziggler engage in a very back and forth battle of wills with numerous counters. We see a slightly more aggressive side of Seth Rollins as he slams Ziggler’s head into the mat. Triple H confidently strolls the ringside area and praises Rollins to the announcers saying proudly “he can adapt to anything.” Rollins very authoritatively takes out Ziggler with peace of mind to end the match.

Backstage Triple H and Randy Orton are walking with Rollins and welcome him happily to the “Dark side” with a pat on the back. They run into the Big Show who looks completely unimpressed and stares Rollins down in the face. He calls Rollins a piece of trash, as Rollins refuses to budge and HHH smirks in the background. Big Show asks HHH what is so funny and HHH announces Big Show will face off against not Rollins but Randy Orton in a match later.

Rollins appears near the end of the Big Show/Orton match, saving both Orton and HHH against the big man’s wrath with a vicious peace of mind on a steel chair.

Published by Ash on June 7th, 2014
Filed in Results and Photos

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