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Raw Digitals: Reigns and Cena Face the Authority Three

Backstage Segments:
Near the beginning of Raw the authority three seek to ensure that Ambrose is no longer a factor in tonight’s plan of attack. The three attack Ambrose backstage knocking him into the door. Ambrose with typical attitude asks them if they’ve got anymore and the attack ends with Seth hitting blackout on Ambrose on top of wooden case. Some time after the attack the three are reminiscing about it and congratulating themselves on a job well done. Orton brags about how he will win Sunday if they continue to do their jobs well. Kane thinks he might win himself on Sunday and offers a truce to Randy; “I have your back if you have mine.” Later in Triple H’s office Seth reminds them that if neither Randy or Kane win, there is always the plan B by simply holding up his briefcase with pride. After he exits the office Triple H looks on smiling proudly.

John Cena & Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins/Randy/Kane

Seth begins the match squaring off with Cena very briefly, he puts the champ in a headlock and is taking down with a shoulder tackle. Orton is tagged in. Orton and Kane handle the action in ring and we have Rollins in off the tag from Kane putting the boots to their adversary in the corner as we go to commercial break.

We have Kane and Roman Reigns trading strength in the ring as we return from break, the two trying to out punch each other. Hot tags made to Cena and Rollins. Cena attempts to take out Rollins with his attitude adjustment. With Rollins up on his shoulders he spots Kane heading to disrupt the action and Rollins gets tossed aside. Rollins returns the favor with a drop-kick to Cena!
Cena tries his luck with the big red monster and attempting to give him an AA but this fails as well. The tag is made back to Rollins who uses his feet to try and destroy Cena’s momentum. We have a pin attempt that results in a two. Rollins applies a sleeper hold and puts all of his weight on John Cena. The move is countered by Cena and Rollins tries to attack him with a signature three rolling suplexes. It is next that all hell begins to break loose with Reigns and Orton in the ring and Kane involving himself as well.

Seth tries to take out Roman Reigns with a top rope attack but Roman ducks and Seth takes a rough spill that sees him landing flat footed on the floor. His knee appears to buckle as he goes down near the barricade. He makes an attempt to stand back up and the cameras then move away from him as we see the medic appear to run towards him for the corner of the camera angle.
The landing would take him out of the rest of the action, as the bell rings signaling the DQ from all the interference. Roman Reigns stands tall at the end after delivering a superman punch to Randy Orton.

Published by Ash on July 15th, 2014
Filed in Results and Photos

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