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Category: Gallery Additions
Videos: Seth Rollins Interrupts Kevin Owens & Jericho
Published by Ash on November 1st, 2016
Filed in Digital Photos, Gallery Additions, Monday Night Raw, Results and Photos Videos: Kevin Owens def. Seth Rollins (with the help of Chris Jericho) In case you couldn’t guess, that was Chris Jericho, who made his presence felt after Rollins gritted and grounded his way into position to win the match. That in and of itself was a miracle after KO snuffed out Rollins’ early showing by targeting The Architect’s back, ripping off Rollins’ Kinesio tape before savaging him all across the cage. Rollins was able to keep himself in the fight, but when Owens accidentally blasted one of the officials in the face with a fire extinguisher, Jericho took advantage of the briefly open Cell door to lock himself inside and pocket the key. Rollins quickly dispatched Jericho by sending him crashing into the Cell wall, but the mere presence of The Ayatollah of Rock ’n’ Rolla left him at an insurmountable disadvantage. Even though he was able to power through his brutalised back to powerbomb Owens through a pair of tables, he couldn’t stop Jericho from hauling the ref away before the pinfall could be counted. And, although he was able to briefly chase Jericho down, he wasn’t able to stop Jeri-KO from ultimately uniting and bringing two steel chairs into the match. And once Owens power bombed him through those two chairs with Jericho watching on, Rollins wasn’t able to do much of anything
Published by Ash on November 1st, 2016
Filed in Digital Photos, Gallery Additions, PPV, Results and Photos, Screen Captures Videos: Seth Rollins def. Chris Jericho & Kevin Owens He paid dearly for the feat, though, as Jeri-KO mugged The Architect after the match and threw him shoulder-first into the steel steps. Once Jericho had departed the stage and Owens was left atop the ramp by himself, Rollins struck back, fighting through security to initiate a brawl with the WWE Universal Champion. He paid dearly for that, too, as Owens seized control of Rollins and executed his patented apron powerbomb. Hell in a Cell awaits, and for all his bravado, Rollins goes into the match with a distinct disadvantage: Unlike Mick Foley in 1998, he’s already broken in half.
Published by Ash on October 25th, 2016
Filed in Digital Photos, Gallery Additions, Monday Night Raw, Results and Photos, Screen Captures Videos: Seth Rollins def. Chris Jericho Seth vs. Jericho kicks off into full swing and Jericho seems hell bent on destroying Seth. But Seth Rollins resilient as ever is apply to rally after the commercial break. He is about to pull of some sort of high risk move from the top ropes, when Kevin Owens decides to reappear on the scene. The distraction disrupts the match, and ultimately Seth manages to pin the distracted Jericho following a pedigree.
Published by Ash on October 18th, 2016
Filed in Digital Photos, Gallery Additions, Monday Night Raw, Results and Photos Videos: Seth Rollins def. Chris Jericho (Keeps one on one match vs. Kevin Owens at HIAC) One Superstar who isn’t upset? Seth Rollins, who gets to keep KO one-on-one and receives a momentum boost in the process. The victory was made even sweeter by the fact that The Architect had to battle back from the beating Jericho put on his recently injured ribs. Even a behind-the-ref superkick from a ringside Owens wasn’t enough to keep “The Man” down, as Rollins took out KO with a suicide dive and felled Jericho with an inside-cradle reversal of the Walls of Jericho. Owens didn’t wait to put a beating on Rollins after the match, but Jericho was quick to both save KO from a Pedigree and, ultimately, take one of his own while Owens, again, did nothing to stop it.
Published by Ash on October 11th, 2016
Filed in Digital Photos, Gallery Additions, Monday Night Raw, Results and Photos, Screen Captures |