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Archive for September 2016
Seth Rollins vs. Kevin Owens – Match Clip (WWE YouTube)
Seth Gets A Standing Ovation From the Crowd (WWE YouTube)
Match Video – Full (WWE Network HD)
Match Video – Full (Dailymotion *Coming Soon*)
Kevin Owens def. Seth Rollins (for the WWE Universal Title)
The Kevin Owens Show rolls on. The longest-reigning WWE Universal Champion of all time will extend his record now that Owens has defeated Seth Rollins in his first title defense at WWE Clash of Champions. That being said, Owens should probably send a fruit basket or something to his “best friend,” Chris Jericho, who teed The Prizefighter up for the maneuver that ultimately put Rollins away.
All of which is to say The Architect should be doubly bitter over this loss, since he had promised to prove he was still “The Man” in WWE to Raw General Manager Mick Foley and Commissioner Stephanie McMahon (who he still held responsible for Triple H’s betrayal), and Rollins made good on that promise for the entirety of the match. Owens put up a smothering front, but Rollins hung tough, battling back from an attack that focused on his repaired knee and hitting Owens with a Frog Splash after K.O. accidentally put himself through the Spanish announce table.
That was when Jericho, in a “Kevin Owens Show” shirt and his signature scarf, sprinted to ringside and swung the match, setting off a scuffle that ended in the referee getting, well, KO’ed. Not only did Rollins hit a Pedigree that went unrecorded by an official (the audience managed a 15-count, though), he was forced to fight off both Jericho and Owens before Stephanie sent out a replacement ref. By then, however, Owens was ready to go, and quickly put Rollins down with a Pop-up Powerbomb that Stephanie observed with an inscrutable expression from the entrance ramp. Redesigned. Rebuilt. Denied
Seth Rollins vs. Rusev – Match (WWE YouTube)
Seth Meets with Stephanie McMahon (WWE YouTube)
Seth Attacks During the Main Event (WWE YouTube)
Match Video – Full (Dailymotion)
Main Event Video – Full (Dailymotion)
Seth Rollins vs. Rusev (Double Count-out)
What with his ravishing bride, U.S. Championship and two weddings, it’s hard to imagine Rusev as being short-changed in any way. Yet that was exactly the feeling of The Bulgarian Brute, who was fuming over his U.S. Title Match against Roman Reigns on Sunday and decided to take it out on a heavily overpowered Seth Rollins in Raw’s opening contest. The two-time WWE World Champion was subject to all manner of physicality from The Super Athlete, and it seemed, early on, like Rusev would (wait for it) crush Rollins before he even made it to Clash of Champions by targeting his lower back.
But, of course, they don’t call Rollins “The Architect” for nothin’. A worked-over Rollins tapped into his speed, peppering his foe with kicks, forearms and just enough power moves to close the gap. A pair of suicide dives sent Rusev stumbling out of the ring and Rollins pursued his foe past the count of 10, stopping the match. But even though the match might have ended in a tie, The Architect got the last laugh by avoiding a powerbomb through the commentary table and flattening Rusev with a crossbody off the stage.
Seth Risks It All for Revenge (After the Main Event)
Even on The Kevin Owens Show, Kevin Owens can’t win ’em all. The WWE Universal Champion’s main-event battle with Roman Reigns didn’t quite end as well as last week’s did, though the victory was hardly as decisive as Reigns would have preferred. After dishing and absorbing an equal amount of punishment, The Big Dog and The Prizefighter both resorted to escape attempts from the cage. Reigns, who climbed over, won by the skin of his teeth against Owens, who attempted to crawl through the door.
Things really got interesting after the match, however, as Rusev thundered down to the ring and, with Owens’ help, incapacitated Reigns inside the cage and locked the door. Enter Seth Rollins, who scaled the side of the steel and took to the skies, flattening Owens and Rusev with a crossbody off the top of the cage, leaving everyone down as Raw came to an end. Like we said, they don’t call him The Architect for nothin’.
Seth Interrupts The Main Event – Clip (WWE YouTube)
Seth Confronts Mick Foley – Segment Backstage (WWE YouTube)
Match Video – Full (Coming Soon)
Main Event Match (Seth Interferes in Owens vs. Reigns)
Maybe Kevin Owens really is the champion of the universe: It keeps finding ways to give him what he wants. Not only did Owens beat Roman Reigns to keep him out of the WWE Universal Championship Match at Clash of Champions, but he also beat him twice. Granted, the first time was via disqualification when Seth Rollins jumped KO in the middle of the match — defying the wishes of a furious Mick Foley. But after Foley restarted the match, another Superstar crashed the proceedings and cost Reigns the match in a far more definitive fashion.
That interfering Superstar, by the way, ended up being Rusev, though The Bulgarian Brute certainly allowed KO to get wailed on good before he made his entrance. Once he did, though, Reigns took his eye off the proverbial ball and nailed the U.S. Champion with a Superman Punch, allowing Owens to capitalize. He hurled Reigns into the ropes and executed a textbook Pop-up Powerbomb. Once that was over, Rusev picked the bones, dismantling Reigns in the ring while Lana observed from the ramp. Give Rusev credit: Not only did he pick his moment, he, well, he crushed it.
Seth Interrupts Kevin’s Celebration – Clip (WWE YouTube)
Seth vs. Jericho – Match Clip (WWE YouTube)
Match Video – Full (Coming Soon)
Seth Rollins Interrupts Owens’s Celebration – Segment
Welcome to Monday Night Ra — er, The Kevin Owens Show! (It’s official, there’s a T-shirt and everything.) The first Monday night of Kevin Owens’ reign as WWE Universal Champion kicked off exactly as you might imagine, with an all-stops pulled celebration of The Prizefighter’s title win, complete with a barrage of insults toward the audience by Owens … oh, and an interruption from Seth Rollins, who was robbed of the title last Monday by Triple H.
More than a little stung by last week’s events, The Architect came out swinging verbally at Raw Commissioner Stephanie McMahon for hanging him out to dry (she continued to deny involvement) and literally at KO in a display of aggression that got him indefinitely suspended by Stephanie … until Raw General Manager Mick Foley vetoed it. Opting to give the wronged Rollins an opportunity instead of a punishment, The Hardcore Legend exercised his match-making powers as GM and gave The Architect a chance to win the WWE Universal Title from Owens at Clash of Champions.
Seth Rollins def. Chris Jericho
Following the successes of Jeri-KO and a win over Neville last week, it’s safe to say the value of “The Gift of Jericho” is at an all-time high. (Seriously, there’s a T-shirt and everything.) Also at an all-time high is Seth Rollins’ competitive drive, which meant that Chris Jericho got a healthy dose of it in his first one-on-one match with The Architect in over two years
Rollins was a man on a mission from the very beginning, battering Jericho from jump and forcing him onto his heels. The Ayatollah of Rock ‘n’ Rolla, looking to protect the honor of his best friend, Kevin Owens, rallied midway through to give The Architect a fight, going so far as to lock Rollins into the Walls of Jericho. But Rollins’ fight for his own honor was stronger than Jericho’s fight for Owens’. The Architect reached the ropes to break the hold, rallied from a Lionsault and, when Jericho resorted to desperation mode, executed a much-savored Pedigree for the win. Drink. It. In.