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Archive for November 2014

SS 266

Survivor Series Digitals: Traditional Survivor Series Main Event Match

Survivor Series Screen Captures: Traditional Survivor Series Main Event Match Captures

Team Cena def. Team Authority
Sole Survivor: Dolph Ziggler, Last Survivor for Team Authority: Seth Rollins
This match starts off on the wrong footing for team authority, as Big Show delivers his massive knockout punch to Mark Henry and eliminates the biggest asset on Captain Rollins’s team. Clearly the pep talk he received from Triple H didn’t do much to increase his ability. Rollins gives orders to Harper to head around the outside edge of the ring and serve as a distraction as he runs up from behind and attacks Big Show. His plan doesn’t work for very long though as Show delivers the Big Chop to Rollins in the corner. And when Seth decides to try a top rope attack instead he runs smack into a giant slap to the chest. He goes down hard as Kane enters the match up to try his luck next.
When Harper and Rowan both end up staring each other down shortly after Seth decides to tag himself in and keep the two from each other for a little longer, possibly to keep emotions from getting the better of his team. An angry Rowan unloads on Seth instead with a lot of big offense and tags in Ryback. Ryack slams Rollins into opposite corners and tries to lift him up for a finisher but Seth slids down and gets back dropped instead. Harper tags in next for team Rollins.

Rollins comes back into the fray sometime later to assist his teammates in trying to keep big show grounded, with boots to the face. He gets a two count and he and Kane double team the big man. Seth comes back into the match when the attack has turned to Ziggler, and he hits him with a big fist to the face. Seth helps keep Ziggler down to allow Rusev to tag in for some shots.

When the match is down to Cena, Ziggler Show/Rollins, Harper, Kane…. Big Show shows his true colors once again as he knocks out John Cena causing the captain’s elimination as he allows Seth to pin Cena. He shakes Triple H’s hand an exits the match himself. This leaves a very tired Dolph Ziggler alone. Seth’s two remaining team mates are effectively eliminated leaving only the small dogs in the fight, Rollins and Ziggler.
Seth pounds on Ziggler with his boots, he is the authorities last hope. Seth slams Dolph into the outside barrier for good measure but back in the ring he nearly gets eliminated by some quick foot work and a zig-zag by Dolph. Triple H nearly has a heart attack at ringside at the close near fall. Rollins goes for a massive aerial curb stomp but completely misses. The near falls continue to cut everything close and the tension is ever mounting. Seth misses with a second curb stomp and gets hit with a zig zag but the referee is yanked out of the ring by HHH.
The stooges attack Ziggler as well as Rollins but Ziggler fights back. When a second referee enters the fray he is KO’d by HHH. Triple H delivers his own pedigree to Ziggler and calls for another ref but the sound of a crow echoes through the arena as Sting’s music hits. Sting drops referee Scott. A staredown and circling begins between the two WWE powerhouses as Ziggler and Rollins still lay with Rollins over Ziggler off to the side. Sting ends up hitting his finisher on Triple h and then pulls Ziggler overtop of Rollins and one of the refs comes back in to count a three. As the authority freaks out in the ring and the fans have fun chanting at them Rollins tries to get up obviously exhausted and in pain.

Lord only knows what will happen tomorrow night on Raw as a change in power occurs and how this will affect the authority’s greatest prince, Seth Rollins.

Published by Ash on November 24th, 2014
Filed in Results and Photos

HQ digital pictures AND captures of WWE’s Behind the Scenes Video on The Magazine have been now added to the Gallery, Enjoy!

View Seth’s Full Cover Feature: The Box Magazine Jan. 2015

View the Behind The Scenes Video Captures: The Box Magazine Video Captures

Published by Ash on November 21st, 2014
Filed in Gallery Additions

Seth Rollins on Commentary

Contract Signing Team Authority & Team Cena Brawl

Raw Digitals: Pre-Survivor Series Showdown

Published by Ash on November 19th, 2014
Filed in Results and Photos

Raw Digitals: Rollins vs. Swagger

Seth Rollins def. Jack Swagger
After the authorities recruiting session at the beginning of Raw in which they sought to recruit Ryback, it is announced the leader of team authority Seth Rollins will face off against Jack Swagger to kick of our Raw matches.
The two men start off in a fast battle of wits to see who gain the first bit of an upper-hand in the match. Swagger gains the first bit of clear momentum when he grabs Seth into an abdominal stretch. Seth counters out of the hold only to be manhandled into the corner and take a huge hip toss. Seth escapes quickly to the outside of the ring and during the commercial break bounces Swagger’s head off the turnbuckle. Seth grabs a rear choke hold on Swagger but he powers out after a short time. Seth takes a run at him but ends up being launched over the ring ropes onto the floor. This however doesn’t deter him for long as when he enters the ring and takes a massive clothesline followed by a take down.

Seth takes a Swagger bomb and then gets caught in an ankle lock, but he fights his way to the ropes and Swagger is forced to break the hold. When Swagger returns to go on the attack Seth pulls down the ring ropes and it is Swagger this time who eats the floor. Seth decides to try an aerial attack but finds himself landing only to be caught in another ankle lock. The authority security force Swagger to break that hold and allow Seth to get the upper hand and roll Swagger back into the ring. Seth hits the big curb stomp and gets the three count! After the bell he makes good on the destruction and takes out Swagger again with another curb stomp. He then decides to tell Zeb Colter “I’ve got one for you too old man!” He tells Zeb and Swagger that, that is price you pay when you join team Cena.

Seth Welcomes Ryback
Seth decides to reassure Ryback that he made the best and the right decision. Seth restates what is at stake and says it will be his honor to lead the victory. Ryback claims he follows no ones orders and will destroy whatever is in his path.

Backstage and Main Event Mayhem
Backstage in Stephanie and HHH’s office the authority is having a meeting about whether their powerful teammate Ryback really is trustworthy. Kane doesn’t seem to think he is due to his anger issues. Ryback interrupts their little meeting asking if everyone is talking about him behind his back and giving a look that makes it clear he’d be please to KO any one of his future teammates. HHH makes it clear Ryback can do anything he wants- maim and destroy John Cena tonight. Hunter also reveals the rest of Team Cena is banned from ringside. Stephanie tells the whole authority crew that their careers and lives are on the line at survivor series, so they better stick to being on the same page.

Later during the main event more destruction breaks out at the end of the match, with both Survivor Series teams. Kane and Ryback soon get into an argument in the middle of the ring and Seth tries to play peace keeper, informing them they are on the same side. Ryback knocks Seth swiftly out of the way and the fight is on between the two teams. Seth stomps on the Big Show in the corner before being interrupted by Mark Henry.
At the end of the chaos Seth gets shell-shocked from Ryback. Evidently neither team will back down at Survivor Series and team authority has major kinks to work out if they will survive as a team.

Published by Ash on November 11th, 2014
Filed in Results and Photos
Published by Ash on November 9th, 2014
Filed in Gallery Additions
