The future is now; therefore, we Seth Freakin Rollins. Welcome to the innovative architect of the fan site world. As the most dedicated source for the new gold standard in the WWE, we will provide all the latest news, photos , interviews and more! We look forward to seeing the career of Seth Rollins rise with all of you!

Black and Brave Wrestling Academy

Visit the Official Website

BBWA Twitter

Seth’s Instagram Feed
Seth’s Twitter Feed

Photo Donations!

Have you met Seth Rollins, gone to a wrestling event or an appearance and taken great photos? Do you have fan art/graphics to share? Or a video? If so then I’d love post them on the site!
Go to our contact page (by clicking the image or on our menu bar) & attach your photos, videos, or tweet them to me! Don’t forget to let me know what name to credit you by (either your first name, twitter name etc)!

Network Sites
All Star Affiliates
Site Satistics
Owner/Webmiss: Cassidy
Gallery Co-Web: Amanda
Facebook Page Manager: Krista
Launched: August 6, 2013
Layout: Cristy
Layout Version: 3.0
Tech Support: Spinebuster Studios
Host: Free Fansite Hosting | DMCA | Privacy
Legal Disclaimer
This website is not affiliated with either Colby "Seth Rollins" Lopez, or any organization(s) in which Colby has been affiliated with. This is a fan site, owned and operated by a fan. It is strictly for entertainment purposes only and does not profit from any of the content featured. Images and related content are copyrighted to their respective owners and are being used under Fair Use Copyright Law 107. No copyright infringement is intended. If you have an issue with any content featured on this website please do not hesitate to contact the admins first before taking any other action. We would be happy to work with and assist you.

In the coming weeks & will be merging together to create an all new, larger source for all things Seth Rollins!

A little backstory on this news:
I know some of you may be familiar with both our website &; both sites debuted within a few months of each other back in 2013, so we’ve both been around for around 6 years now. I’ve considered the webmisses of to be among some of the best people I’ve met in this crazy fansite world. When our site first debuted, the landscape was much different & a few people were less than accepting of our new site at the time. During those tough few months, the webmisses of stepped up to support us in more ways than one. In a world where fansites for the same wrestler rarely got along, those ladies reached out publicly and were willing to help & support, and for a while we even shared photos/videos. I’ve always considered the friendship among the Seth Rollins sites (and Seth Rollins Fans) to be special – we know each other, we respect each other & we’ve never had arguments, or drama. We simply all put our passion, creativity & time into supporting Seth.

Recently, our friends decided they wished to take a step back & simply be fans for a while, and their website needed a new home. In order to preserve everyone’s hard work and effort, we have purchased with all its content & social media. All of the content from both websites will be carefully merged together, so rest assured none of your favorites will be lost. For the time being updates will be posted on both Twitter accounts & websites, to give all of our followers time to get used to everything. Both website domains & social media accounts will continue to be used now & in the future in some capacity as well. This is going to take some time & work to put together, but we hope to debut the complete new site layout in late spring to early summer!

I’d like to give a special thank you to Angela and Carol for giving me the opportunity to purchase their website & trusting me to take care of their hard work, as well as my own (I know how much the site meant to you). Thank you for your continuing friendship & for making a special impression on me. Thank you to my co-web & friend Kris (@SBusterStudios) for creating the graphic for this post, and for supporting me behind the scenes/helping to move the website content.

Stay tuned to & AND make sure to follow both @SethRollinsWeb @SethRollinsCOM so you don’t miss future updates!

Thank you!
~ Admin Cassidy (@OwenHartFan)

Published by Ash on March 19th, 2019
Filed in Rollins News, Website News

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