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View the Raw Digitals: Shield Hunts Evolution

Evolution Season?
The Shield start off Raw in the ring with Dean Ambrose speaking, he says the Shield got the crap kicked out of them last week, but “we may go down, but we don’t stay down. If you are keeping score at home, you’ll find we are up much more than we are down.” He then declares the Shield wants Evolution. Seth Rollins takes the mic next saying “we are not running from Evolution, we are running to evolution.” Seth adds that Evolution is good, that they are past champions, but they are not the Evolution they once were. He then looks back at a pacing Roman Reigns and asks him if he has something to say. Roman takes the mic and acknowledges that Evolution victimized his brothers and bloodied him. Roman states that they are going to teach Evolution to believe in the concept of payback and he will teach them all individually believe in him.

When Evolution does arrive to the arena the Shield immediately leaves the ring to attack all three members as they exit their limo. They are separated by backstage officials. Evolution makes it the ring in the middle section of the show, Batista rants and raves about having enough of all this. Before Evolution can say very much they are attacked from behind by the Shield once more. The COO is tossed out of the ring by Seth Rollins and the Shield stand tall in the ring. Batista challenges Roman Reigns to a match in the main event.

During the match HHH and Randy Orton interrupt Roman’s momentum several times, blocking two of his signature moves. When the two block Reigns’s big boot, Ambrose and Rollins leap into action from behind. They both hit double suicide dives knocking down Evolution. Seth goes after HHH and the two trade punches. Roman and HHH get into it on the outside and Rollins leaps overtop Reigns and takes out HHH. The bell rings as the match ends in no contest and shortly after Stephanie McMahon sends the roster into action to take out the Shield. In the chaos, Roman is left alone in the ring with the enemy and a steel chair but he hits his spear anyways! Back in come Rollins and Ambrose with steel weapons of their own and they begin to take out the entire roster with these equalizers. Seth hits a curb stomp on the chair on Curtis Axel. Ryback takes a spear from Roman and a triple powerbomb. The shield sends a clear message to Evolution as this feud continues to get even more heated!

Published by Ash on May 13th, 2014
Filed in Results and Photos

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