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SD Cap Jan 17 252

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The Shield’s Interview/Surrounding Punk
No match this week for the Shield three on TV at SmackDown.
Instead the Shield was featured in a backstage interview! Renee starts off by asking if the Shield will remain undivided during the Royal Rumble match. Dean assures Renee that the Shield is a tight unit and will remain united. When Renee asks Dean if it came down to it would he throw Seth Rollins over the rope, he again says “Do I not look like a trustworthy person to you? …These men are my best friends I could never do that, never.”
Seth Rollins after laughing says “well let’s be real here you couldn’t throw me over the top rope if your life depended on it. But I could toss you over in a second if it meant I got a shot at the main event of Wrestlemania.”
Ambrose then interjects with “Of course I’d throw you over the top rope I was kidding, and you’d go sailing kid, sailing! Work on your landing alright?” Following this little debate Roman Reigns steps in giving both his partners a glance. He then says that he would throw both Rollins and Ambrose over in an instant but regardless one of them will win the World Heavyweight Championship and they will still remain united; they will still be the shield.

Towards the end of the show CM Punk would call out the Shield and soon be surrounded by all three members and the New Age Outlaws. However Kane would interrupt the proceedings and claim that the authority wants to protect CM Punk. He says it will not happen this way. Before can leave Punk calls Kane a 7ft tall sell out and receives a choke-slam for the comment as SmackDown goes off air on that note.

Published by Ash on January 19th, 2014
Filed in Results and Photos

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