Check out the SmackDown Digitals: Fatal Four Way Tag Title Contenders Match
(Fatal Four Way)Tag Team Title number one contenders match. Ryback/Axel vs. 3MB vs. The Real Americans vs. Ambrose/Rollins!
Ambrose starts this match off with his unorthodox style and easily takes control of Curtis Axel. Rollins joins Ambrose in doing a powerful double suicide dive through the ropes to take out their opponents. Following the commercial break Cesaro has Ambrose under control in a front face lock, after swinging him straight into the barricade on the WWE app. Ryback tags in against a tired Ambrose and splashes him, to knock the wind right out of his chest. Swagger tags in and he and Cesaro hit a double team in the corner with Cesaro landing on Ambrose’s chest. An angry Rollins interrupts any pin attempt and Cesaro boots him square in the face, sending him back to his corner. Ambrose not staying down crawls towards his corner.
Rollins finally gets tagged in and starts flying in all directions, taking out anyone he can. He dumps Ryback over the top rope onto the floor, hits Jinder Mahal with an elbow in the corner and then flies over the top rope, taking out the big man.
Heath Slater from the outside interrupts Rollins’s momentum by grabbing foot. Rollins stares him down in anger as Roman Reigns ensures Slater pays for the distraction with a spear on the outside.
Rollins then catches Jinder Mahal in the back of the head with an enziguri. But soon all hell would break loose as Kane charges down to the ring and attacks Roman Reigns. Inside the ring the Real Americans beat down Rollins in the corner. Reigns holds his ground against Kane, trading punches up the ramp until the New Age Outlaws arrive on the scene to back up authority Kane. Meanwhile Rollins and Ambrose are falling prey to all the other teams in the ring. It becomes clear this match was an evident set up.
Reigns takes a boot in the head from Kane, and the authority stooges-satisfied the big man is down, begin heading to the ring.Billy Gunn sends Rollins flying with his finisher as Kane choke-slams Ambrose. Reigns tries desperately to make it down to the ring to help his teammates but is unable to do so. Boos from the crowd at the turn of the events. As Reigns is tossed back into the ring with his partners and all three lay sprawled in the ring with Seth coughing and sputtering for air.