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View Raw Digitals

The Shield def. Big E Langston, Kofi Kingston, and Rey Mysterio
Big E and Dean Ambrose start of the match-up briefly before Rollins and Kingston are tagged in. Rollins takes control of Kingston and backs him up into the Shield’s corner. A tag is made to Roman Reigns who delivers some punches to break down a much smaller Kingston. He tags in Seth Rollins again who keeps the control of the match in the Shield’s hands. More quick tags are made from Ambrose back to Rollins again, still with Kofi caught in the ring. Seth goes to deliver a devastating knee to Kingston but misses and smashes his knee into the mat. Kofi makes a take to Rey and it becomes Rey and Rollins. Rey takes advantage of Seth’s mishap with some swift kicks to the knee and using his speed to knock down Rollins. However, he gets caught trying to deliver a west coast pop and Roman Reigns assists Rollins in delivering a devastating blow to Mysterio with a move very similar to the doomsday device!
(Commercial Break)
Roman Reigns continues to do damage to Mysterio before tagging in Dean Ambrose. Ambrose trying to choke Rey with his boot, gets told off by the referee. He later places Rey upside down in a corner to deliver a powerful shoulder but, his shoulder meets the ring post instead. The tag is made to Roman Reigns and Big E Langston enters as well. Langston proves himself worthy of tangling with the biggest man! He delivers a massive over 300lb splash!
Two shield members break up the next pin and chaos begins to erupt! Roman Reigns delivers the superman punch to Big E and is ready to set up for the spear when Dean Ambrose tags himself in behind Roman’s back. An unimpressed Reigns watches as Ambrose gets the win for the Shield.
The two move in for a confrontation but it doesn’t take long before Seth Rollins interjects himself into the fray. The smallest Shield member calms down his partners and right after, the Wyatt’s appear on the jumbotron. The Wyatts invite the Sheild to “come out, come out wherever you are” and hauntingly tell Roman he sacrifices for his king but his moment is soon.

Published by Ash on February 4th, 2014
Filed in Results and Photos

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