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The Shield vs. Big E Langston and The Rhodes Brothers
Starting off the match, Cody Rhodes has Seth in a compromising position-raised high above his head. He holds Seth up high before slamming him face first into the mat. Both Rhodes brothers follow it up by working on both Seth’s arms. Cody tries to roll Seth up off the corner but it doesn’t work and only gets a two. Cody catches Seth’s feet and hangs him up on the ropes; Seth takes a swift kick to the gut. But Rollins begins to get away from some of the punishment by escaping to the outside. He takes a momentary break trying to escape more harm. Suddenly Cody Rhodes launches himself towards Seth taking them both out of the equation for a while.
At the height of the match Cody Rhodes catches Roman with the disaster kick and chaos unfolds as Ambrose gets flattened by a splash from Big E Langston. Seth tries to save his partner from more harm and gets knocked out of the ring by Goldust. Roman Reigns breaks up the pin-fall situation, narrowly saving Ambrose from getting pinned for three. Seth gets in on a tag from Ambrose and hits the blackout on Big E proving he too is dangerous when provoked. Seth gets the three for the Shield!
All three exit the ringside area arm in arm as Seth says “nothing can stop us!”