Raw Digitals: Seth turns on the Shield
The Shield Implodes via Rollins and a Steel Chair
The Shield enters the ring and Dean says they are beaten up but look and feel great! Seth says Evolution failed to adapt last night because they were not one with each other each other like the Shield. Roman says “these men standing in this ring are brothers. So Randy Orton get out here so I can break your jaw with the symbol of excellence!”
As Orton and HHH enter the ring, HHH wields his best friend the sledgehammer. Seth exits the ring to grab the Shield’s own insurance policy. As he approaches the ring he states “Last night was only plan A, tonight is plan B. There is always a plan B!”
As Reigns gears up for the fight, Seth takes a step back and connects with the steel chair into Roman Reigns’s back. Ambrose looks at Rollins with a look of pure shock and runs towards him. Rollins rams the chair into Ambroses stomach and beats him over and over with the chair until it actually bends and breaks. He adds a little more punishment to Roman Reigns and delivers peace of mind to Ambrose on the steel chair before exiting to join Randy and HHH outside of the ring, and offer the chair to Randy Orton. Randy Orton then enters the ring and further punishes the Shield two, even delivering and RKO on the chair to Roman Reigns. HHH stands proudly in the ring with his arm slung over Seth Rollins as they look down at the barely moving Reigns and Ambrose. They stand there as Raw goes off air.