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*Will get some captures soon as there was only one digital of Seth this episode!

Bad News Barrett/Jack Swagger/Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler/RVD/Kingston
Swagger starts off the match against Kofi Kingston and backs him into a corner throwing stiff punches to the chest. Kofi countering back into the match with a take-down and a kick to the chest of Swagger. Tag is made to Ziggler who uses a drop-kick to keep Swagger on the mat. Swagger manages a tag to Barrett who uses a suplex to get a two count on Ziggler. It’s not enough to keep Ziggler down as he escapes the clutches of Barrett and takes in RVD. RVD using his signature kicks on Barrett to set up rolling thunder and he gets a near pin against Barrett. RVD then knocks Seth off the apron but Wade Barrett uses the top rope to return the favour to RVD. RVD goes rolling onto the floor as we go to commercial break.

When we come back Seth is finally in the ring with RVD and “you sold out chants are filling the arena. Seth locks RVD in tight for three big suplexes reminiscent of the three amigos. Seth muscles RVD into the corner and holds him in while Swagger gets a few more shots in off the tag. Swagger hits a massive splash on RVD and stops him from tagging in his partners by catching him mid-leap and tossing him back into enemy territory. Tag to BNB is made and he takes down RVD with a neck-breaker and continues to beat on RVD while the crowd tries to rally the baby-face troops. A pin attempt by Barrett but RVD kicks out and a tag is made to Swagger.Swagger trying to muscle the wind out of RVD but fails as RVD is able to leap of the second rope and retaliate with a thrust kick. Both men are down in the ring and make hot tags to Rollins and Kingston. Seth leaps at Kofi but misses and gets caught with some of Kingston’s high flying drop-kicks. Kofi with a take down on Rollins and then a boom drop. He misses with trouble in paradise and gets caught with SOS. Various men break up the pin attempt.Chaos breaks lose momentarily as Seth ejects RVD from the ring and various bodies go flying. Kofi tries to pin Rollins twice but is unsuccessful on both roll up attempts. Rollins hitting a curb stop from out of nowhere and picks up the win.

Published by Ash on June 25th, 2014
Filed in Results and Photos

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