Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose Talk Backstage
After Dean’s challenge to Strowman last week, it’s Seth’s turn to try his hand with the monster among men. A focused Seth tries to hit Braun with as many fast punches as possible, then tries to throw him off his game with a slap. Strowman clearly angered replies “are you stupid?!” as Seth races around the ring to outsmart the big man. Seth gets launched in the air, stepped on with the huge boots of Braun, and gets his arm wrapped painfully around the ring ropes. None of this keeps Seth down for the moment though, as he battles back only to be caught by a huge fist that sends him out of the ring onto the floor. After our commercial break, Seth tries again unsuccessfully to go top rope and ends up meeting the floor again. He uses the ring post to stand, only to get run into the barricade by Strowman. A tenacious Seth goes right back to work in the ring, attacking Braun with super-kicks. The superkicks rattle Braun, but not enough as he hits his running power-slam. The move proves to be lights out for Seth. The punishment isn’t over though as Strowman strikes for a second time and was going back for a third (only to be interrupted by Dean Ambrose). The bar enter to pick up the scraps and take Dean and Seth out even further, adding insult to injury.
Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose confront Roman Reigns Backstage
Backstage Roman is favoring his shoulders and is sore after his beating at the hands of the Miz & his newest friends, The Bar. Roman is joined by Dean Ambrose and he rises to his feet to stare him down. Shortly after, Seth enters the room. The three stare at each other with those familiar determined, hungry glares we’ve seen so many times the past. Each man understanding with no words needing to be said. Seth slowly nods his head, as does Dean Ambrose, and the two leave Roman Reigns in the locker room. Could this be foreshadowing what is to come next week on Raw? Justice may be served once again, and the Miz would be advised to be careful what he wishes for when he taunts the hounds of justice.
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RAW Clips:
Seth vs. Braun (WWE YouTube Clip)
Seth Prepares for Braun Strowman (WWE YouTube Clip)