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Seth Rollins def. Jason Jordan
In his continued quest to try and integrate himself in The Shield and conquer the Raw roster, Jason Jordan hasn’t exactly been the most patient. He continued to show his unique ambition this week as he confronted The Bar on his own. A few moments into the encounter Seth arrives, clearly unimpressed. Seth launches into a pep talk, or instructional talk of sorts about how Jason Jordan needs to be more team minded. What Jason does clearly now affects Seth and Seth intends to make certain Jason knows he is the boss. Reluctantly, Seth agrees to be in Jason’s corner tonight, but he makes sure to note to everyone that he believes Jason will lose. Shortly after Seth exits the ring, Jason does get thrown to the floor causing Seth to launch into tag team partner mode and shout encouragements.

Throughout the match, Seth does have Jason’s back, taking out Sheamus after some back-handed interference & cheering Jason on from the sidelines. Jason does win the match and exits the ring to hold Seth’s hand up high in celebration. That is a tad short lived as he leaves Seth hanging with his fist up in the air. Seth laughs and smirks, and seems to be debating whether, or not to impressed with this new found partner.

Later on in the evening, Seth approaches Roman in the locker room and tries to ensure he’ll keep his cool in the match with Samoa Joe. Seth states that he wants them both to remain champions. Jason makes his own entrance into the segment, by enthusiastically offering to keep any outside attackers at bay. Jason adds the signature Shield phrase “Believe that”, and leaves. Both Seth and Roman stare at each other and then side eye Jason as he leaves. The awkwardness of the situation continues to not improve and its unclear what the future holds for Jason Jordan, The Shield and the remaining patience Seth has.

Raw Digitals
Captures (Full) *Coming Soon*

Video Clips:

*Full Video Coming This Week

Published by Ash on January 2nd, 2018
Filed in Monday Night Raw, Results and Photos

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