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This website is not affiliated with either Colby "Seth Rollins" Lopez, or any organization(s) in which Colby has been affiliated with. This is a fan site, owned and operated by a fan. It is strictly for entertainment purposes only and does not profit from any of the content featured. Images and related content are copyrighted to their respective owners and are being used under Fair Use Copyright Law 107. No copyright infringement is intended. If you have an issue with any content featured on this website please do not hesitate to contact the admins first before taking any other action. We would be happy to work with and assist you.

Seth Interrupts Kevin’s Celebration – Clip (WWE YouTube)
Seth vs. Jericho – Match Clip (WWE YouTube)
Match Video – Full (Coming Soon)

Seth Rollins Interrupts Owens’s Celebration – Segment
Welcome to Monday Night Ra — er, The Kevin Owens Show! (It’s official, there’s a T-shirt and everything.) The first Monday night of Kevin Owens’ reign as WWE Universal Champion kicked off exactly as you might imagine, with an all-stops pulled celebration of The Prizefighter’s title win, complete with a barrage of insults toward the audience by Owens … oh, and an interruption from Seth Rollins, who was robbed of the title last Monday by Triple H.
More than a little stung by last week’s events, The Architect came out swinging verbally at Raw Commissioner Stephanie McMahon for hanging him out to dry (she continued to deny involvement) and literally at KO in a display of aggression that got him indefinitely suspended by Stephanie … until Raw General Manager Mick Foley vetoed it. Opting to give the wronged Rollins an opportunity instead of a punishment, The Hardcore Legend exercised his match-making powers as GM and gave The Architect a chance to win the WWE Universal Title from Owens at Clash of Champions.

Seth Rollins def. Chris Jericho
Following the successes of Jeri-KO and a win over Neville last week, it’s safe to say the value of “The Gift of Jericho” is at an all-time high. (Seriously, there’s a T-shirt and everything.) Also at an all-time high is Seth Rollins’ competitive drive, which meant that Chris Jericho got a healthy dose of it in his first one-on-one match with The Architect in over two years
Rollins was a man on a mission from the very beginning, battering Jericho from jump and forcing him onto his heels. The Ayatollah of Rock ‘n’ Rolla, looking to protect the honor of his best friend, Kevin Owens, rallied midway through to give The Architect a fight, going so far as to lock Rollins into the Walls of Jericho. But Rollins’ fight for his own honor was stronger than Jericho’s fight for Owens’. The Architect reached the ropes to break the hold, rallied from a Lionsault and, when Jericho resorted to desperation mode, executed a much-savored Pedigree for the win. Drink. It. In.

Published by Ash on September 6th, 2016
Filed in Digital Photos, Gallery Additions, Monday Night Raw, Results and Photos

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