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Videos: Seth Rollins Debuts “The Rollins Report” Seth continues to rant when the camera comes back to him until he is interrupted by Dean Ambrose and the real fireworks start. With a ton of history between them Seth fires first at Ambrose saying he believes Ambrose’s title reign is a joke, that he was better than him in the Shield as well as before the Shield and will once again prove he is the best. Ambrose tells Seth that they’ve known each other a very long time and Seth should know god himself or Vince McMahon would have to pry the title out of his cold dead hands. Dean also yells at Seth that he can have a one on one title match vs. Ambrose any day. At first Rollins says that Detroit sounds perfect to him but decides on next week and angrily storms out of the ring. After commercial break it is announced that Seth will face Dean Ambrose next week live on Raw for the WWE Championship.
Published by Ash on July 12th, 2016
Filed in Digital Photos, Gallery Additions, Monday Night Raw, Results and Photos, Screen Captures |