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This website is not affiliated with either Colby "Seth Rollins" Lopez, or any organization(s) in which Colby has been affiliated with. This is a fan site, owned and operated by a fan. It is strictly for entertainment purposes only and does not profit from any of the content featured. Images and related content are copyrighted to their respective owners and are being used under Fair Use Copyright Law 107. No copyright infringement is intended. If you have an issue with any content featured on this website please do not hesitate to contact the admins first before taking any other action. We would be happy to work with and assist you.

Seth Rollins vs. Chris Jericho – Rematch (WWE YouTube)
Seth’s FB Live Q&A – October 13th
Seth’s FB Live Spotify Workout Playlist – October 13th
Match Video – Full (Dailymotion) *Coming This Week*

Seth Rollins def. Chris Jericho
We begin this week’s edition of Monday Night Raw with Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho, Kevin once again proclaiming that Raw is the Kevin Owens Show and Jericho contemplating adding more names to his infamous list. Seth eventually interrupts their party and mock Jericho’s scarf (saying it should be added to the list) and declaring Jericho “sparkle crotch” because of the rhinestones on his tights. The fans seem to agree and begin to chant the new nickname, as Jericho yells in anger “I’m not sparkle crotch!” Seth decides to once again challenge Chris Jericho to a match, since he figures he can so easily beat Seth. He then tells Jericho he should tell Kevin Owens to go backstage. Jericho and Owens bicker for a few moments, but ultimately they hug and Owens leaves the arena.

Seth vs. Jericho kicks off into full swing and Jericho seems hell bent on destroying Seth. But Seth Rollins resilient as ever is apply to rally after the commercial break. He is about to pull of some sort of high risk move from the top ropes, when Kevin Owens decides to reappear on the scene. The distraction disrupts the match, and ultimately Seth manages to pin the distracted Jericho following a pedigree.

Published by Ash on October 18th, 2016
Filed in Digital Photos, Gallery Additions, Monday Night Raw, Results and Photos

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