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Friday June 3rd Seth was at the Wizard World Comic Con Event in Philly signing autographs for fans & doing a Q&A session where fans could ask him questions from the crowd. We’ve posted some candids from the event that were donated to us, as well as some cool videos we came across! Wizard World Q&A Session Full Video Cr: WhiteRaven on YouTube Wizard World Q&A Additional Videos This weeks guest on the Friday episode of Talk is Jericho is once again Seth Rollins! Seth was on a previous episode of Talk is Jericho (Ep. 94) and now he’s back again for Ep. 253. For the first time he speaks out about the demise of his old finishing move, using the pedigree, more about what he did on his time off from injury and lots more! Give it a listen right here! Or download the episode on iTunes!
Published by Ash on June 3rd, 2016
Filed in Interviews As we all I’m sure know WWE has aired Seth WWE 24 Special and it was even more brilliant than I even expected. It was every bit as emotional as we seen in the previews, showing each inch of Seth’s recovery as he moves towards his return night at Extreme Rules. What we did not see in the previews beforehand was the pieces of the interview that show Seth in his own home, appearances from family members & tons of home video. This special went deeper into his personal life than we’ve ever seen before and it is definitely worth the watch! This was our first time seeing Seth’s family on screen with his mother., Step-father, father, grandfather & his brother all making appearances to describe Seth growing up loving wrestling and the quality of his character in his personal life. We see how Seth spent time relaxing with his dog Kevin as well as teaching at the Black and Brave Wrestling Academy. This great special truly covered everything and we have tons of photos to go with as long as some links to the video. WWE 24 – Media Links Videos: Raw – 5/30/16 Surprise Surprise! This gallery has been a long time coming & it’s finally here! We wanted for a long time to do something unique with our Media Gallery & have a better place for our fan art (Since we get sent a lot of great stuff on Twitter that had no place to go) and so the two ideas came together to form this unique fun gallery! Supporting a wrestler throughout their career is truly a team effort, and without a great team of fans, their success and any website’s success would not exist – that’s why we’ve named this gallery The Team Rollins Reel. From our small Team Rollins of three that work on the site or its social networks every day, to all of the amazing supporters out there, we are all Team Rollins! Thank you for supporting the site, from the bottom of our hearts! In its nearly three years it has grown more than the webmiss could have imagined! This is a gallery for truly everyone to contribute to and enjoy! Now, not all of these categories will have stuff in them yet, as we are still looking for people to create certain types of art and are still designing some ourselves. All of that takes time of course and we have faith this will continue to grow a lot just like our main gallery has! If you would like to send something in for any of the categories on this gallery please email your contributions to sethrollinsweb@gmail.com Upcoming Features that we will be Debuting On this Gallery:
Published by Ash on May 29th, 2016
Filed in Rollins News |