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Category: Monday Night Rollins – Video of the Night
Since our Champ, Seth Rollins is out with an injury for a while we won’t have regular Rollins Raw Recap’s or SmackDown Recaps. But, we didn’t want everyone to be left without any Seth on their Monday & Thursday evenings! We’ve decided to a featured video each Monday & Thursday. These videos can be anything from an awesome match (old or new, WWE or other), an interview or anything in between! So stay tuned for that as a regular weekly update. Also, we will of course be covering any Rollins news, our daily twitter photo and more. As many people may know we have been planning a new sub-site and the construction phase took longer than we anticipated. The site is still happening, though we don’t have an exact date at this time there will be updates relating to the new features in the coming days/weeks! We are currently at the stage of adding in all the awesome content it will contain. A new announcement on the features will be coming your way during Survivor Series! So even though Seth unfortunately has to be gone from regular programming, things definitely won’t be slowing down with our updates or coverage.
Published by Ash on November 17th, 2015
Filed in Monday Night Rollins - Video of the Night |