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Category: Interviews
div has a new feature showing 10 superstars and their favourite opponents. Seth was included in this article!

Rollins Fav Opponent Photo

Seth Rollins Favourite Opponent is: Daniel Bryan
“Daniel Bryan is my favourite. I don’t know why. It might be because we have similar backgrounds, styles and approach, but every time I’ve ever gotten in the ring with him — from my early days to now — there’s always some sort of crazy electricity that seems to spark between us. It’s one of those things that you can’t really explain, and you don’t need to try. He pushes me beyond my limits. He takes all the things I’m good at physically, mentally and emotionally, and we push each other.
“The singles match we had on Raw was probably my favourite one with him that I’ve had in WWE. The matches in Ring of Honor, we had a little more time and the matches were a little different. My favourite one was in Detroit at a show called New Horizons where I power-bombed him into the turnbuckle and the top buckle broke. It was really crazy. It was one of those moments that no one saw coming and you can’t recreate it. It was terrifying, but if you were there live, you’ll literally never forget it.”

Credit: by Zach Linder

Published by Ash on July 2nd, 2014
Filed in Interviews

Another interview with Seth has surfaced in this media busy weekend. This one comes to us from 105.3 in Dallas from host Troy Hughes. The interview not only talks about MITB and the Shield but also about Seth’s wedding plans. This is an audio interview only.

Published by Ash on June 27th, 2014
Filed in Interviews

Seth Rollins was also interview by radio DJ Eric Sean today! This interview also talks about his plans to win the MITB ladder match!

Credit: You can follow Eric Sean on Twitter! @IamEricSean

Published by Ash on June 27th, 2014
Filed in Interviews

DC 101 Radio recently spoke with Seth Rollins about the MITB ladder match, his past in NXT and more…!

Published by Ash on June 27th, 2014
Filed in Interviews

Looks like the WWE Magazine Feature made its way onto! Check out how Seth Rollins got his scar:

Seth's Scar Full Size Photo WWE Magazine

(Click Photo to View Full Size)

Location: Neck “In fall 2009, I’d been having trouble with my neck for maybe a year or a year and a half. I just had terrible mobility in my neck region. It was inhibiting my workouts, inhibiting my work … I just couldn’t take it anymore. I had to do something about that, so I went to the doctor’s and had a couple of MRIs. I wanted a procedure that was minimally invasive, and wasn’t going to put me out for a long time, and I found a doctor who was able to go into the back of my neck and basically just carve out some of the bone, doing what they call a foraminotomy. The foramen is this little hole that the nerve slides up through in your spinal column.”

“The surgeon basically widened the foramen and was able to alleviate many of the symptoms. I’m wholly functional and everything’s good. But it left a nasty scar because he told me not be active for a few weeks until it healed up. And, of course, I didn’t listen to him, so the scar opened back up and they had to sew it together again. That was (four) almost (five) years ago now, so I feel like I’ve got a new lease on life somewhat.”

To see more Scars of Superstars visit!

Published by Ash on June 11th, 2014
Filed in Interviews
