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Seth Large and In Charge Seth interrupts Paul Heyman’s speech fired up and wanting to cash in right here right now! But Paul predictably says that his client is not present in the building tonight, so Seth immediately begins to intimidate Heyman. Standing directly over Heyman he states that if he decides he wants to curb-stomp Paul Heyman, which he most definitely wants to, he would take away one of Brock’s biggest assets. That would make Brock Lesnar a giant mass of muscle and inferior to Seth Rollins (who as we all know dominates the mental manipulation game). Seth Rollins, Kane and Big Show vs. Dean Ambrose, Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns Back in the ring again Seth yells at Ambrose he needs to learn to stay down b/c he has a lot of guts and no brains. He gets pissed when Ambrose slaps him in the face in retaliation. A beat up Ambrose fights on with Kane and tries to crawl to the corner to meet his partners. Kane makes it to Seth first to make the tag. Seth goes on the attack but Ambrose pulls down the bottom rope to send Seth flying. J&J security with the distract, Show takes out the feet of Ambrose, Seth drop kicking Reigns, Seth trying to hold Ambrose back but the tag is made to Bryan.
Published by Ash on January 16th, 2015
Filed in Results and Photos |