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The Shield backstage segment
The Shield backstage is in the middle of arguing and questioning Dean Ambrose on where he was during the Chamber match up last night. Ambrose disappeared for the ending of the match after brawling with Bray Wyatt in the crowd. Ambrose angrily replies that he’s explained himself enough times and walks off camera after complaining about how no one trusts him. Seth Rollins begins complaining to Roman Reigns about the situation but the Wyatt’s suddenly appear from the shadows behind the Shield two. Reigns challenges Bray to a match with no one else at ringside causing Bray to call him an “interesting creature” and he accepts the challenge.
Reigns vs. Bray Wyatt
Reigns with his explosive moves tries to power through Bray Wyatt and he’s not the least bit intimidated. Soon the Wyatt entrance hits and Rowan and Harper arrive. Seth Rollins explodes out of nowhere to take out the two on the floor. A brawl breaks out and Ambrose comes running out on the attack and causes the DQ. The Shield stands staring their enemies down as the back away from the ramp.