May 4th, 2014 Post Show from on Vimeo.

Extreme Rules Digitals: Shield destroys Evolution
Shield vs. Evolution
Seth starts off this action packed crazy match! At first it seems like he is becoming the prey for Evolution being seperated from his team. He gets hung up throat first on the ropes by Randy Orton. When Batista enters the ring he kicks Seth hard in the side of the head, causing him to fall to the outside floor. Orton back in picks Seth up and slams him down on the top rope stomach first. Seth sputters and chokes as Orton holds him down to the mat, forcing him to look at the partners he can’t reach. But Seth counters with an enziguri! Seth crawls to his corner and tags out to Ambrose.
Ambrose holds his own with a figure four to Randy Orton. HHH and Batista both interrupting the hold cause all hell to break loose. Reigns tosses Batista into the barricade on the outside and goes to spear HHH, but he crashes into the stairs.
Ambrose still the legal man is locked in the ring with Batista and getting worn down. Orton tags in and tries to make Ambrose pass out to the sleeper hold. Ambrose lasts through several Evolution quick tags and hits HHH with a DDT! He tags out to Roman Reigns.
Roman becomes a one man wrecking crew taking out everyone in sight. Batista slows Reigns momentum and tries to get him in a Batista bomb position but Seth leaps over-top of both men to drive his knee into the head of Batista.
All hell completely breaks loose in this match immediately after with Batista and Reigns both down in the ring after knocking each other silly. Randy hits Roman with an RKO and allows Batista to draw himself over-top of Reigns. Seth breaks up this sneaky pin attempt saving the match! The fight is soon on between Rollins, Ambrose, HHH and Orton outside of the ring and into the fans.
Seth gets tossed over a guard rail far into the crowd and disappears from sight. HHH and Orton stalk behind Ambrose and knock him down a set of stairs. The evolution two beat on Ambrose in front on an area entrance up in the crowd. Suddenly Seth flies in from high above, seemingly out of nowhere. Rollins had leaped from the upper tear on fans on the stairs all the way down to the next level. He takes out everyone including Ambrose by accident! Back in the ring Reigns catches Batista with the superman punch! He sets up and gets the spear for the Shield win!
Post Match Press Conference
After the match the Shield field questions from the press. Seth Rollins says the Evolution that exists now is not the same Evolution that existed before. All the members of Evolution are too busy sitting in their fancy houses and tour buses. HHH he says is trying to run a billion dollar company and Randy Orton has been soft since the very beginning.
Ambrose speaks about Seth’s insane jump and the Shield brother-hood saying they skipped the friends stage and went straight to brothers. He says that it takes quite the brother to do that crazy leap and says Seth knows that if he lands on him by accident or if he lands on Seth, it is okay. He says if Seth can’t get up, he will pick him up. If Seth can’t walk out he’ll carry him out.
Roman ends off the press conference with a few comments on the dominance of the Shield being here to stay.