Witness all the chaos: 11 on 3 Tag Match Digitals
The Shield vs. 11 Men Tag Match
The authority was bent on destroying the Shield after they came to the aid of Daniel Bryan several times over the past weeks. The Shield was to compete against mystery opponents for the main event. It soon became clear there would not be just three opponents, as 11 members of the roster came out one after another. These rivals included: 3MB, Rusev, Rybaxel, Fandango, Del Rio, Jack Swagger, Wade Barrett and Titus O’Neil.
The Shield isolate and beat down Heath Slater at the beginning of the match with Seth Rollins beating him down and keeping him in the Shield corner.
Things would soon turn for the worst though, as their opponents had the same plan for Seth. Rollins remained isolate from his partners for the first moments of this match. He takes clubbing elbows to the chest from Rusev and a massive slam from Ryback, before being tossed out of the ring.
Roman Reigns would strike and knock Ryback away from Rollins. All 11 men jump on Reigns on the outside but Seth sneaks back into the ring and unleashes a powerful 360 dive that knocks everyone down. Soon the mayhem continues to heighten as the entire group of men begin to brawl and Ambrose leaps on top of the whole heap as well. The Shield get back into the ring protecting it from anyone who might jump in but find themselves overpowered in numbers.
All members of the Shield are being beaten down as Evolution’s music hits.
The crowd is in shock as HHH, Orton and Batista walk slowly down to the ring and order everyone else to leave. From there the three seek to demolish the Shield further. Seth becomes the target of multiple kicks and punches by all three. He attempts crawl away but is caught by Randy Orton and subjected to an RKO. He still tries to get up and is further punished by evolution. Soon none of the Shield is left standing. After the show is over the Shield get helped to the back by referees.