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Daniel Bryan vs. Seth Rollins
All the members of the Shield greet Daniel Bryan in the ring and at first it’s unclear who Bryan will have to face. Roman Reigns steps forward as if he will be the man to take on Bryan but, Rollins quickly nails the preoccupied Bryan. Rollins gains control of Bryan and both men go tumbling to the outside. The action continues with Bryan’s signature kicks, until Rollins regains control by hip tossing Bryan over the top rope. He adds more punishment by blasting Bryan in the head and rolling him back in the ring as Reigns laughs on the sidelines. After taking even more kicks, Rollins foils Bryan’s top rope assault with an enziguri-effectively knocking Bryan to the ground. Rollins tries to capitalize further but the ref grabs him around the waist preventing him from attacking Bryan on the outside. However, the hounds of justice always have back up and with the ref’s back turned Roman Reigns delivers a devastating clothesline. When the action finally returns to the ring Rollins goes top rope but gets caught into the yes lock. When it looks as though Reigns and Ambrose will interfere Bryan attacks, before either man can get involved. Rollins makes an attempt to battle back, but ultimately receives a high knee and a loss.
Bryan celebrates on the ramp but gets nailed by Randy Orton. Despite his victory it’s clear the powers to be have a numbers game going like no other.