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View Match Digitals

The Shield vs. Sheamus, Daniel Bryan & Rey Mysterio

At the beginning of the show we saw a fired up Shield speaking about how the Wyatt family cost them spots in the elimination chamber. Roman Reigns claims that he doesn’t think he would be the WWE Champion had they won, he knows he would be WWE Champion. This provides some dissention between the two who begin to argue. Suddenly Seth jumps in to be the voice of reason. “Hey knock it off with this petty crap!! Listen to me”,he says. He explains that they are all great and that they need to defend the ring that is their yard. Vickie Guerrero enters and is about to make a groundbreaking match announcement when HHH makes an appearance. He tells the SHield three to forget it a couple times but, all refuse to calm down. After a threat from Roman Reigns that stated a fight would happen anyways, Triple H decides to profit form the decision and make a match for the Wyatt’s vs. the Shield at the elimination chamber pay-per view.

Before the match begins the Wyatt’s appear on the tron for a short promo. Bray Wyatt warns that the Shield should be careful inviting the devil into their yard because he may just decide to stay.

Once the match actually begins Rollins and Sheamus briefly battle it out with Sheamus’s increased size working against Seth’s method. Dean gets tagged in after Seth and takes a fury a fists to the chest by Sheamus. After this he falls off the apron and Seth tries to haul him to his feet as the show goes to commercial break. Seth is back in the match with Bryan after the break and he takes yet another surfboard maneuver. After Bryan Seth mixes it up with Rey Mysterio but ends up getting tossed around the ring quite a bit. This match inevitably turns into choas as the shield members all try to get involved. Rollins takes a stiff high knee form Bryan on the outside. Roman Reigns ultimately ends the match with a shocking spear by Reigns to Rey Mysterio.

Published by Ash on February 1st, 2014
Filed in Results and Photos

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