Raw Digitals: Rollins/Big Show/Kane vs. John Cena
The Beast calls out the Architect
Brock Lesnar starts off the Show immediately interrupting Paul Heyman and telling Seth to “Get your ass down here boy!” He then says Seth has a count of three to show his face and the crowd starts counting as Lesnar chuckles to himself and says that when he’s here Seth is now where to be found. Triple H interrupts
Seth Rollins, Big Show & Kane vs. John Cena (with the jobs of Ziggler, Ryback and Rowan on the line)
Seth looking to grind down John Cena with his hands firmly planted on Cena’s head, then stopping him down in the corner. He tags out to his partner’s before the break and when we come back from break he is in the ring once more. An angry Seth has the match under control as Cena tries to use Seth’s tights to pull himself to his feet. Seth goes for a big move off the top rope but that doesn’t get the pin on Cena either. Seth pounds on the mat with rage and tags out Big Show ordering him to finish Cena off. When Big Show fails to get the job done, Rollins is back in again receiving Cena’s moves of doom. J&J security pull him out of harms way as he’s up for the AA. Seth kicking Cena right in the jaw, but that doesn’t work either. Cena with a sudden AA to Rollins but Kane yanks Cena out of the way. Match breaks down on the outside with Big Show spearing Cena on the outside. HHH mocking Cena as the ref starts the ten count. Cena makes it in just before the 10 count. Kane tagged in by Rollins and goes for the choke slam. Near fall but no three count.
Seth gets the tag again, and waits on Cena setting him up for the curb stomp. But suddenly the image of Sting appears on the screen! But its not an image, as Sting is actually here! Sting comes down the ramp pointing at HHH, the distraction allows Cena to grab the quick pin on Seth! Cena winning everyone’s jobs back. An angry HHH throws a temper tantrum standing on the announce desk, barking NO NO NO!
And things get worse for Rollins as Lesnar arrives on Cena and goes right after him. The fight is on between Lesnar and the authority. Seth is yanked out of the ring by his security staff and Lesnar delivers a massive F5 to the Big Show. Seth and security take off and Raw comes to a close.