Raw Digitals:Seth Rollins/Kane vs. Roman Reigns
Seth’s Eulogy for Dean Ambrose
Seth says he was the leader of the most dominant group in WWE – The Shield. He says he chose Dean to be a member of the Shield because pain and fear were never factors for Dean Ambrose. He goes on to say Dean was a courageous fighter and with a heavy heart he wants everyone to view the match they chose for Dean’s demise. The video plays of Seth curb stomping Dean into the cinder blocks. After the video wraps up Seth is laughing and talks about Dean being out-matched and the cinder blocks were not out there by accident. He says there’s no accident to what happened and it saddens him to think Dean’s career can now be summed up by the words “what if.” He ends the promo by saying “I am the one who created the Shield and I am the one who destroyed it.” After he finishes Roman Reigns music hits and Roman storms down to the ring. He meets Kane on the outside and quickly rams him into the steel steps. Then noticing Seth is alone, he heads towards his former partner with a fury. The two brawl around the ring knocking over all the in ring props. Reigns picks up the podium and hits Seth with it with all his force. Seth manages to barely escape Roman’s wrath to join Kane back on the entrance ramp.
Seth/Kane vs. Roman Reigns
In a sort of “punishment” Roman is put in a handicap match against Seth and Kane. Seth starts off the match against Roman. He gets roughed around the ring until Kane jumps in to wear down Reigns, and Seth gets back into the match. Seth takes control with some of his own running offence but a double team move gone wrong sends him flying over the top turnbuckle. Roman then takes down Kane inside the ring, and he seems to have the match entirely under his control until Seth attacks him with the MITB briefcase causing a DQ. Seth and Kane continue the attack outside of the ring, they review another pile of cinder blocks hidden at ringside. While they set up their evil plan it quickly goes wrong. Reigns hits Seth with the superman punch and takes out Kane next. Roman then carries a cinder block towards Seth, who begs him not to use it. He throws the block full force at Seth but it misses and hits the ring post, exploding everywhere. Seth wisely heads for the hills after narrowly missing being crushed by the block!