Raw Digitals: Seth vs. Dean (Falls Count Anywhere)
Seth Rollins Meets the Ice Bucket Challenge
We see a very impressed Seth Rollins in his interview with Renee Young. He says at MITB he did exactly what he told everyone that he would do – prove that he is the future of this company. Suddenly an alarmed looking Renee darts out of the camera view and Seth gets doused in icey water. He slowly turns around to see Dean Ambrose who replies “What? It’s for charity.” He then tosses the bucket in Seth’s face and a full out brawl ensues. Officials separate the two and Seth shouts at the top of his lungs “You’re done Ambrose! You’re done! Get over here!” He then shouts at the officials to get off him as the segment ends.
Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose (Falls Count Anywhere)
This match starts off with a bang as Dean launches Seth out of the ring onto the floor, the match barely took a minute to go outside of the ring and the two battle through the crowd. They end up on the stage and engage in a contest of who can back body drop each other on the steel grate first. Seth goes for a power-bomb but Dean counters and Seth meets the grate back first. Dean tosses Seth down the ramp back towards the ring. Back in the ring Dean uses a steel chair as a partner of sorts in his quest to destroy Seth. He holds the chair as he slams Seth on his back. Seth though mounts some offense as he makes it to his feet and sends Dean head first into a chair planted in the corner of the ring.
:Commercial Break:
We come back to Seth smacking Dean with a kendo stick repeatedly. He then plants his boots firmly into Dean’s midsection twice. But Dean gets the upper hand once again and Seth has to kick out of a near fall. Dean then goes to monkey flip Seth into the turn buckle as Seth keeps wacking away at him with a kendo stick. With Seth down Dean goes to the outside and begins launching chairs into the ring. He goes top rope in attempt to send Seth into the massive pile of chairs. In the end it’s Dean who gets power bombed on the chair pile. This isn’t enough to get the win for the match though. Kane appears at ringside but Seth tells him he has the situation completely under control. Seth creates a plan of his own as he pulls a table out from under the ring. He smacks Dean in the back with a kendo stick to keep him down and sets up the table. The two both end up crashing through the table from the top rope! As Dean goes to pin Seth, Kane interferes by yanking him away. Dean responds by leaping on both Seth and Kane on the outside of the ring. The battle then returns to the ring as Dean takes out his frustrations on Seth with a vicious clothesline followed up with Dirty Deeds. His pin attempt fails yet again as Kane ruins his win. This leads to a full on fight outside the ring with Dean taking Seth over the barricade into fans and attempting to destroy Kane. He runs over the tables to leap onto Seth and then turns his efforts back to Kane. He gets clothes-lined on the announce desk for his efforts. Kane then holds Dean over-top of a pile of cinder blocks that were hidden under a drape. Seth curb stomps Dean’s head into the blocks. The referee stops the match as Seth stands victoriously on top of the desk. Dean is stretchered out after Raw ends.