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At the start of Raw, the Shield is on security detail for the McMahon power twosome once again. We see the 11 superstars who assisted Daniel Bryan standing on top of the entrance ramp. Stephanie thanks the superstars for actually standing up and being men. When RVD interjects and says they were actually really helping Daniel Bryan, Triple H informs all the men they will be in a match and their partner will be Daniel Bryan. He says he hopes their partner actually cares to help them as much as they helped him. And since Triple H believed the anarchy was caused by the men being angry at The Shield rather than them caring for Daniel Bryan, he places them on an 11 on 3 handicap match.

11 Superstars vs. The Shield

Before the match even gets underway the Shield is surprised by a sudden attack by Cody Rhodes and his brother Goldust. Following the attack Raw goes to commercial and the real match get’s underway.

The Shield strikes first in this match with Dean Ambrose eliminating both Kofi Kingston and RVD who were banged up from early matches in the evening. Roman Reigns followed up the trend by eliminating three of the opposing team: Titus O’Neil, Justin Gabriel and Zack Ryder. His spear nearly breaks Zack Ryder in half and none of the men got much offense in against the big man.
However when Reigns faced Bryan things would change fast for the Shield. Daniel Bryan knocks Rollins and Ambrose off the apron onto the floor before nailing Reigns with a high knee. Soon after he falls victim to a Samoan splash, handing him his first loss in over a year. Seth then knocks off Darren Young with a flying knee. He faces off against Dolph Ziggler, bouncing his head off the turnbuckle before tagging in his partner. Ambrose would fall victim to the Zig-zag. Seth would be left as the only man left standing and would eliminate R-Truth.
Following R-Truth exit Daniel Bryan encouraged the remaining members of his team to surround the ring on the apron before jumping Seth. They would break the attack when Ambrose and Reigns arrived to save their partner. Dolph and the Uso’s cleared Ambrose and Reigns from the ring once again as Daniel and Seth were left in the ring. Seth briefly mounted a come from behind attack on Bryan but fell victim to a flying headbutt. The Shield was handed a loss in this one and one can only wonder what the McMahon’s are thinking now.

Published by Ash on September 24th, 2013
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Shield vs. Superstars that helped Daniel Bryan (11 Man Gauntlet Match)

Darren Young is the first to face the Shield three and quickly gets surrounded on all sides in the corner, taking punches from everyone. His shirt is ripped off and Rollins uses the shirt as a whip on Young’s back. He is quickly finished off with the spear from Reigns. Young’s partner Titus O’Neil is next up and seems to have a better chance given his larger size. Ambrose leaps onto O’Neil’s back as Rollins grabs his feet. Reign’s hits the ropes and the big man is taken down. Titus falls victim to the triple power-bomb and is pinned by Reigns again. Vickie sits at ringside happily clapping at her handiwork.
Ziggler hits the ring as fast as he can but gets whipped off the corner landing on his head by Rollins. He subsequently gets stomped on by all three shield members. But the more resilient Ziggler kicks back at Ambrose and then Rollins. He even manages to nail Reigns. Ziggler knocks both Reigns and Ambrose out of the ring before Ambrose grabs his foot, stopping his momentum for Rollins to nail him with an impressive athletic drop kick. Ziggler than falls victim to the spear and is counted out.
Kingston the next man out also quickly gets neutralized by Rollins and Ambrose. When it appears as though Ziggler is rallying against them, Reigns enters and gets hit with trouble in paradise. Ambrose saves the match up. Alone with Abrose and Rollins Kofi gets beat down by both men. Kofi gets planted by Ambrose and pinned.
Next man up is Rob Van Dam who looks as if he is carefully trying to form a plan. Rollins and Ambrose are the only men standing still and RVD spins in a circle confusing Ambrose who accidently connects with Seth’s ribs instead. He hits an interesting version of rolling thunder on both Ambrose and Rollins. Van Dam connects hard with Seth’s jaw and knocks Reigns back out of the ring. He then connects a kick on Ambrose. Before Van Dam can get a victory Triple H interjects and orders Vickie back to his office and summons the Shield to leave the ring.

The Shield vs. The Usos and Daniel Bryan
Rollins attempts to squash Bryan at the beginning of the match but gets caught in a surfboard at the early start of the match. Next in to be tagged is Jimmy Uso who faces off with Ambrose. He and his partner unleash some third generation tag team power on Ambrose.
At the height of that match Bryan counters Rollins onslaught and plants him on his back. Rollins and Ambrose pull of a splits type move on Jey Uso which looks exceptionally painful.
All hell breaks loose in this match which sees almost every member of the match meet the floor. Daniel Bryan gets the win with his high knee once again.

Published by Ash on September 22nd, 2013
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When Stephanie McMahon invited Dusty Rhodes for some “business discussion we all knew there was going to be trouble. When the Dream refused to cooperate with any of Stephanie’s demands the Shield and Big Show were summoned to the ringside area. When it seemed like the Big Show was refusing to act on Stephanie’s order to knock out Dusty, The Shield was told to “get him!” Just as the Shield three were about to jump Dusty, The Big Show made it clear he wasn’t going to let them, prompting Roman Reigns to pass out chairs as weapons. The Shield stood at the ready with the steel chairs waiting for a chance to strike, but in the end Big Show followed through with the lady bosses orders and the Shield leaves the ringside area.

Later on in the Show Seth, Dean and Randy Orton would accompany Reigns to ringside for his match against Daniel Bryan. When the Shield and Randy took the opportunity to final strike, a good portion of the locker-room would rush out to make the save. Members of the locker room beat down all three Shield members. Seth was the last in the ring and takes Daniel Bryan’s running knee lift. The locker room celebrates with Bryan as Raw goes off air.

Published by Ash on September 17th, 2013
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This week see’s the Shield once again in a security role. All members surround the ring at the start of the show, and once again return later to ensure Daniel Bryan feels his punishment. The Shield attacks Daniel as the match draws towards a close, and effectively ensure that Big Show does his job and knocks out Bryan. No match for the Shield members tonight.

Published by Ash on September 3rd, 2013
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Appearance During The Miz vs. Randy Orton
Following the match conclusion the Shield rushes into the ring to assault the Miz. Daniel Bryan runs interference rescuing the Miz, and swinging like a mad man at anyone in his path with a steel chair. Bryan manages to connect with Seth’s back as he leaps out of the ring. All three shield members look back-towards the ring as Seth yells “Dammit!” and holds his back. This wouldn’t be the only time we would see the shield this week.

The Shield vs. Dolph Ziggler (3 on 1 Handicap Match)
Seth starts off the match for the Shield, and effectively knocks the show-off down with his series of innovative moves. He then makes a quick tag to Roman Reigns who delivers a powerful Samoan drop. Ambrose is tagged in as Dolph Ziggler attempts to work his way back into the match. A tired Ambrose tags in Rollins who counters the onslaught and dives out the way just as Reigns delivers a massive spear out of nowhere to score yet another victory for the hounds of justice. The Shield attempts to incite the Big Show by holding Ziggler up against the ring ropes, and yelling at Show to “Come on! Do Something!” All three Shield members deliver a triple power-bomb to Ziggler, and further taunt the big man before making their exit.

Appearance After Daniel Bryan vs. Ryback
Just as Bryan finally locks in his yes-lock the shield arrives out of nowhere. An enraged Big Show climbs his way into the ring to stand guard over the fallen Bryan. The shield and Randy Orton rush back into a corner. COO Triple H storms down to the ring, and hollers at big show to get out of the ring! Big Show very reluctantly, and slowly climbs out of the ring. HHH forces him to exit to the back…leaving Bryan to the Shield. The Shield members deliver a massive power-bomb to Bryan. Seth then hands Randy Orton a can of black spray paint. Randy uses it to spray NO on Bryan’s chest. SmackDown goes off air.

Published by Ash on September 1st, 2013
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