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Archive for March 2016

Seth Appears on WWE 24 Special for Daniel Bryan
This week after Raw the WWE Network aired a WWE 24 Special dedicated to Daniel Bryan. The show featured many of his fellow superstars talking about Daniel, including Seth. As we all know Seth has a history with Bryan going back to before both of their WWE days.

During the special, Seth comments that when he found out Bryan had to retire he was heartbroken that his friend would have to quit something he loved so much. Seth also stated he had many heroes in wrestling growing up and Bryan was one of them. Near the end of the special Seth noted that he was not there the night of Bryan’s retirement speech but, wishes he had been so he could have given Bryan a hug. During Bryan’s speech Seth held it together fairly well he says until Brie came out to greet Bryan. Knowing the love the two shared, the moment brought a tear to even Rollins’s eye.
As the special clothes Seth was shown saying “Thank You Daniel, for being my friend.”

Watch WWE 24 (WWE Network)

Published by Ash on March 30th, 2016
Filed in Gallery Additions, Screen Captures, Video

Since we are all of course really missing Seth in the build up to WrestleMania and all the excitement he provides, this week we have some “Seth Appreciation” themed videos for our weekly feature! We aren’t sure yet whether we will see Seth become involved somehow in WrestleMania but, hopefully these bring a smile to your face like they did to mine!

It’s almost impossible to not laugh while watching this goofy compilation of Seth’s signature laugh 😉

Very Awesome Standing Ovation for Seth for at the Royal Rumble 2015!

Seth Being Funny in a Condescending Way

Published by Ash on March 1st, 2016
Filed in Video of the Week
