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Archive for October 2014

I’ve added a brand new collection of albums to the ROH category, featuring candids from Top Rope Photography (all credit for the photographs belongs to him). Currently there is 6 BRAND NEW Albums with many more to come! So check back soon here or on Twitter and I will let you all know when there is more.

ROH 8 2 2008 Top Rope 254

NEW PHOTOS: ROH Candids by Top Rope Photography

Published by Ash on October 31st, 2014
Filed in Gallery Additions

Raw Digitals: Seth Rollins vs. John Cena

Result: John Cena def. Seth Rollins (DQ due to Kane’s Interference)

Published by Ash on October 29th, 2014
Filed in Results and Photos

Hell In A Cell Kickoff Video

Hell In A Cell Digitals: Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose in Hell

Result: Seth Rollins def. Dean Ambrose

*Match Recap coming tomorrow!*

Published by Ash on October 27th, 2014
Filed in Results and Photos

SmackDown Digitals: Rollins Calls Out Ambrose

Seth Rollins Calls out Dean Ambrose
After refusing to allow Dean Ambrose to call him out earlier in the show Rollins decides he will call Dean Ambrose out near the end of SmackDown. Seth begins to take us on a tour of all the items he could use to punish Ambrose during their HIAC match. First off are the handcuffs, and Seth points out they could be used to handcuff Dean to the cell so he can beat the crap out of him. There’s a screw driver to use on his screwed up friend and his “best for last” a steel chair. He then calls out Dean and asks where he’s at and points out he’s standing in the ring alone by himself. Then he smirks and says Dean has always been all talk and maybe he is afraid the beating from Monday Night Raw may repeat itself again. Seth says his future is bight but for Dean his future has always been a long ride straight to hell.
Seth introduces a video package of the punishment they handed out to Dean.

As Seth watches the video though Dean catches him from behind with a kendo stick. The fight is on as Rollins’s security crew tries to separate the two. They grab a hold of Dean allowing Seth to escape the ringside area. The security staff pays the ultimate price as Dean clotheslines Jamie Noble and then puts Joey Mercury through a table with an elbow from the top rope. As the crowd chants one more time Dean decides to deliver a trip through the table to Noble as well. Seth looks on in horror.

Published by Ash on October 25th, 2014
Filed in Results and Photos

Hell in A Cell Promo Video

Seth Rollins comments on Dean Ambrose During WWE’s Asian Tour

Raw Digtals:The Authority vs. Ambrose/Cena

Starting off the show we have Seth Rollins and the authority in the ring hyping Hell in A Cell. Seth also decides he would perhaps like another nickname “the undisputed future of WWE”. He says this is because after the pay per view Ambrose will no longer have a future. Orton decides to then interrupt Seth and implies his match with Cena will be the “real” main event because they have been around longer. Orton says he will be the one to make HHH proud by beating Cena. HHH merely says both Orton and Seth will make him proud come Sunday.

Later on Seth is in his locker room with the precious briefcase when Orton enters and tells Seth he doesn’t need his help any longer. Seth tells Orton that he will eventually beat Brock Lesnar and become the WWE Champion because the future always takes care of itself.

Dean “punishes” Seth Rollins
Dean Ambrose later in the show decides to punish a fake Seth Rollins doll, cutting a promo on it and slapping the doll around inside the ring. Seth enters and tells Ambrose perhaps he can open up for some sort of comedian and that he’s glad Ambrose found an opponent he can relate to intellectually. Seth mocks the fans for chanting you sold out and tells them that he is better because he’s rich, and isn’t just a piece of trailer park trash. Surprise Surprise Mick Foley interrupts the verbal warfare between the two saying that he believes in most situations that Rollins would rise to the occasion. Rollins very pleased says finally Mick has something to say out of his half beaten up brain. Mick corrects Seth saying he didn’t focus on the part where he said “Almost” every occasion. Mick reminds the two that the wounds they sustain in Hell In A Cell will last a lifetime. Dean says he has absolutely not issue with that and that he’ll put Seth in a hospital bed. Seth says he knows Ambrose better than everyone and knows he’s completely out of his mind. The segment ends with Rollins leaving and Dean throwing the dummy at Seth.

Seth Rollins/Kane/Randy Orton def. John Cena/Dean Ambrose
Rollins and Ambrose go immediately after each other in the early going of the match, exchanging punches and Seth takes an Irish whip into the corner, Seth then lands on the floor and Ambrose takes his attack to everyone by leaping off the announce table. Ambrose then decides to really get turn the match into a street fight with the use of a steel chair into Seth’s stomach and back. The brawl continues with Kane and Randy Orton taking care of Cena as the show goes on commercial.
As we come back a methodical attack on Dean Ambrose is in progress. Seth with Ambrose in a rear chin-lock makes a quick tag out and then back in again. He stands on Ambrose’s face in an attempt to both squash and embarrass his enemy. The action goes back to Orton and he methodically picks apart Ambrose, stomping on his knees, and allowing him to partially crawl towards his partner before pulling him back.
He does manage to tag out to Cena, and things begin to breakdown into more of a street fight with the use of the stairs and a table in the corner coming into play and not in the favor of Ambrose and Cena.
Towards the end of the match the cell is lowered around the ring and Ambrose is nearly trapped outside of the structure. Ambrose tags back in to relieve Cena and he goes flying into everyone. Seth gets catapulted into the side of the cell and bounces off it onto the floor. Orton flies out of the ring too nearly landing on the broken down table. In the end it’s Orton sending Ambrose into the ring post and finishing him off with the RKO for the pinfall with the cell surrounding the ring.

It is a surprise attack by Seth who ends off the battle with a bang as he crawls back into the ring and curb stomps Orton’s face into the mat. He yells angrily “I make the calls around here!” We end of Raw with a celebrating Seth Rollins standing tall on the top of the cell.

Published by Ash on October 21st, 2014
Filed in Results and Photos
